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Three Things We Look For In A Franchisee

by | Dec 15, 2022

When it comes to selecting Franchisees to represent Success On The Spectrum and the autism community, we look for certain traits in our franchisee candidates.

    1.  We only accept individuals who plan to be owner operators.  We’re not looking for investment companies and individuals who don’t plan to be active in the day-to-day activities of one of our centers.  We strongly believe that the owner-operator will work harder to ensure that quality treatment is delivered, thereby having a greater chance to succeed.  They will also be more committed to care for their employees who care for the children.  We train every level of the key staff who will be running the centers.  Owner CEOs need to be committed to invest their time in SOS’s extensive training and learning operations side of the business.
    2. We are actively looking for individuals who have a passion to serve special needs children.  Since at SOS it’s our passion and our focus to help autistic children, that passion needs to be apparent in our franchisee candidates.  As with any business, there will be challenging times and that passion will help individuals get through them.  The understanding that what we are doing is making a difference for families with an autistic child will bring rewarding experiences that help weather the storms.  We want to see that the desire to help these special children goes beyond the potential profit a center will make.
    3. A strong financial commitment.  We require a brick-and-mortar facility so there is a hefty investment required to open a Success On The Spectrum center.  The bulk of the investment is spent getting the location built out and supplied.  Being ready financially in a key component that we look for in individuals looking to open one of our centers.  For people who don’t personally have the finances required to open a center, we do work with brokers who can guide them through the SBA loan process.

If you’re interested in looking into opening a Success On The Spectrum center, visit the home page of SOSFranchise.com and fill out the contact form.

Joe Souza, our Director of Franchise Development will reach out to you.