Open Your Own ABA Therapy Business
With the #1 Autism Treatment FranchisE

As per a market study done by Fortune Business Insights, Success On The Spectrum is listed as a key player in the ABA industry. As the first ABA therapy franchise in the U.S., SOS has established a brand that customers can trust.
The global market size was USD 1.93 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 3.42 billion by 2030. Rapidly growing incidences of autism spectrum disorder globally, and the growing number of unmet needs in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder are the major key factors likely to drive the markets industry in forthcoming years.
Increased Client Pool
As of 2022, 1 in 32 children diagnosed with autism. There are an estimated 2.5 million autistic children in the USA
Expanded Service Coverage
All 50 states require commercial coverage; 200+
million people have insurance coverage for ABA
Heightened Awareness
Parents actively ask pediatricians to screen their kids if they suspect Autism
Supply/Demand Imbalance
Statistically speaking, the number of ABA providers in the US only meet 30% of the demand
The Autism Industry is booming
Applied Behavior Analysis is now recognized nationwide as the most effective type of therapy for children with Autism.
There are well over 550 studies published in scientific journals validating the effectiveness of ABA procedures with persons who have Autism.
ABA is recommended by:
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Academy of Occupational Therapy Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Autism Society of America
- National Institute of Child Health & Human Development.
For more information on autism, ABA therapy, and Success On The Spectrum, visit our About page.
HIGH DEMAND: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the US, and demand for ASD care is increasing significantly.
In the last 20 years, Autism prevalence in the US has increased by more than 200%. Currently, the CDC estimates that 2.5% of U.S. children have autism.
LOW COMPETITION: The number of new treatment facilities has not kept up with demand, creating a shortage of providers in the market. The per capita supply of certified ABA facilities falls below the benchmark in 49 states. Specifically, no state has more than one-third of the minimum number of ABA providers needed to meet the needs of the number of children with autism. Providers report average waitlists of 6 months – 1 year. As per a market study done by Fortune Business Insights, Success On The Spectrum is listed as a key player in the ABA industry.
SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE OF TREATMENT: In the past, a social stigma was associated with therapy and often deterred people from seeking treatment. This has changed in recent years due to social influence (especially from celebrities) and increased awareness. Therapy is no longer something that people are ashamed of.
FAVORABLE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS: Since 2007, the federal government mandates publicly-funded health insurance plans to cover ABA therapy in children with Autism. Since 2014, the Affordable Care Act covers ABA therapy as an essential health benefit up to age 25 years old.
The IDEA Act requires public schools to make appropriate accommodations for individuals with special needs. School based services are also required under the integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act. According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, a school that refuses to accommodate an ABA provider on campus is discriminating against a child who has a disability.
CRISIS RESISTANT: The government has defined ABA Therapy as a medically necessary service. During COVID lock-down, ABA Therapy centers were allowed to remain open.
In addition, ABA Therapy is paid for by medical health insurance and state medicaid. During economic recessions, the revenue generated from ABA Therapy is generally unaffected.
LONG RANGE CARE: ASD is a life-long diagnosis, and requires intervention throughout a person’s life for best outcomes. The typical SOS client receives 40 hours or therapy per week and remains in the program for 3-5 years.